Document Dispatch
Document Dispatch
All In One Dispatch Solution
Document Dispatch
E - Sign

Create Document Dispatch
The document dispatch is a web/mobile based solution which provides service on demand for dispatching documents. The dispatcher can provide the details of documents so as to ensure the safety.
Industries: Companies, Government
- Client/Dispatcher
- Pickup & Dropoff
- Dispatch Management
- Web & Mobile App
Driver App
The dispatching solution is associated with a driver application. The mobile application helps the driver to manage all the dispatch assigned to him. The driver will receive a push notification on assigning the dispatch; he can see the request details from it and proceed.
Driver can see the assigned, on-going and completed dispatches from the application. In addition to that the driver can update the dispatch status from the application easily.
- Accept dispatch request
- Reject dispatch request
- Driving Direction/Map
- Proof of Delivery

Client Dispatch Requests &Payments
All the customer payment transactions are secure as we are providing 3D secure feature. All card information is encrypted at rest with AES-256. We use PGP keys to encrypt our communication with payment gateway.
- Invoice & Job Details
- Payment Options
- Web & Mobile App
- Accounting
Dispatcher Mobile App
The driver mobile application is used to view the assigned dispatching request and accept /reject the request
- Invoice & Job Details
- Payment Options
- Web & Mobile App
- Accounting

Dispatch Dashboard (Web & Mobile App)
Our solution provides, the dispatch admin – Dispatcher to create request on behalf of the request. From the dispatcher dashboard, he/she can provide the ride details (based on the industry), assign the driver and there by manage it.
Our system provides real time location in a map view to the users. This will help to identify the position of the driver at any point of time. This is as GPS based real time locations which will helps to get accurate information of the dispatch. The vehicle has to configure with GPS device to achieve this feature.
- Drivers/Vehicles Live Tracking
- Root Map / History
- Delivery Locations Map
- Traffic & Alerts

Parts Dispatching Reports
Our system provides reports based on trips, stoppages, driving violation, fuel, and service. This will help the company to manage the resource in a very efficient way and thereby helps the growth.
Electronic Logging Device (ELD) Implementation & Integration
ELD records all the driver details, starting from the total working time, idling time, stoppage time, number of pick up, drop-off. This will help the system to identify the driver score, performance and thereby dispatcher can identify the right driver for the right dispatch.

Our system provides alerts to admin if there driving violations like over speed, rash driving, harsh cornering, battery disconnect etc. This will help the company to take immediate actions to ensure safety.
- Battery disconnection
- Continuous idling
- Over speeding
- Rash driving
- Fuel Sensor disconnect
- Accident alerts
OBD Integration
- Plug and play hardware
- OBD Vehicle reader data
- GPS data
- Easy installation
- Affordable pricing

Invoice Management
Invoice will be created against each dispatch after the successful completion of the ride. The invoice is based on the industry type. The customer can see the invoice details and proceed for the payment. Our system will have the history of all invoices created which will help the user to check it at anytime from anywhere
- Online Invoicing
- Invoice Tracking App
- Get Paid Faster
- Simplify Accounting
- Analyze Sales
Accounting Management
- Bank Synchronization
- Invoicing
- Manage Bills & Expenses
- Easy Reconciliation

Inventory Management
- Improve performance
& process time - Less stock, no stockouts
- Multi-warehouse
- Cross-docking
- Drop Shipping